Monday 17 July 2017

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

As motorcyclists head out on the road and expose themselves to so many dangers, they may need to exercise caution. Motorcycle accidents can be very deadly. There just isn’t sufficient protection available for these adventurous riders. Unfortunately, cyclists are about 27 times more likely to die in a collisions than regular vehicle occupants.  They also tend to sustain more serious injuries. Contact a Ventura County motorcycle accident attorney if you have experienced one of these devastating motorcycle accidents. But let’s take a look at some of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents.

The wrong actions

Many times the cyclist’s dangerous behavior is the main cause of all the trouble. It comes as natural as water to the body. If you are speeding, exhausted, or perhaps driving under the influence, you have more probability of getting involved in a deadly motorcycle accident. Although other factors come into play, this one of the most important ones to consider before venturing into unknown roads.

Road conditions

Poor road conditions can lead to devastating accidents. Many problems can arise  causing a loss of control.  From slippery surfaces, objects, potholes, road unevenness, and so on, all these unfavorable road conditions can make riders uneasy and more prone to accidents. This is why riders should always stay alert and prepared for any issue that may arise.

Blind spots

Many motorcycle accidents are caused by lack of visibility. Blind spot collisions generally happen with dangerous overtaking. As a rider, you should always exercise caution and remember drivers may not have noticed you. Also, if you ride next to parked cars, drivers can miss you and open their vehicle doors unexpectedly.


Riding a motorcycle full speed can be such a rush but sadly it can also complicate things a bit. In other words, the more speed the more you will lose control of your bike, and the less chances of seen obstacles on the road. These accidents happen to both old and new riders. The new riders are not familiar with the road while the old riders are too comfortable with it.

Rear-end collisions

Sometimes there isn’t enough space between the motorcycle and vehicles in front. A vehicle that stops unexpectedly can cause a rear-end collision that may end up in a disaster. While motorcycles are lighter, it’s difficult to keep the balance with only two wheels. Whenever you do, keep your distance from other vehicles.

Wild maneuvers

Another common cause of motorcycle collision is when riders don’t calculate angles properly when turning.  Both speed and timing are essential as hitting the brakes unexpectedly can send you off the bike. This is why it’s important keeping an eye on what’s happening around you. If you see any poles, trees, and the the road ahead of you, there will be less chances of getting hit or losing control of your bike.

A Ventura County motorcycle accident attorney will make your life easier

When someone gets involved in an accident, the last thing on the mind is hiring an attorney. But this should actually become your first priority. With a Ventura County motorcycle accident attorney you will be able to handle all the legalities and obtain compensation for all the damages and injuries sustained.   

Monday 3 July 2017

Failure to wear a seatbelt in car accidents

Seatbelts are there to protect drivers from the unpredictabilities on the road. It comes as second nature. But what happens when you forget? Besides paying a penalty, you may also expose yourself and others to unnecessary risks and accidents. Consult with a Ventura County car accident attorney if you were involved in a collision without buckling up.  

Why people don’t wear seatbelts?

Sometimes it’s just carelessness. Some people may not feel comfortable with wearing a seatbelt while others just make it a habit.  It’s all about protection. Keeping yourself and others safe should be your priority on the road. There are also some common misconceptions about wearing a seatbelt. For example, when a car sinks underwater or when people are trapped in a vehicle on fire, buckling up may not be a great idea. But these scenarios are very rare. Unfortunately, about 75% percent of people die in a vehicle accident because they are thrown from the vehicle. Buckling up may be a good idea after all!

Car Accident Attorney Ventura County

Why should you use the seatbelt?

Seatbelts keep you safe in a car crash. When your body hits an object you will suffer three different types of impact: the impact on your car, the impact on your body, and the impact of your internal organs hitting the skeleton. The seatbelt will make these impacts less serious and spread the forces evenly in the parts of your body that are strong.  Some other reasons why you should buckle up include:
  • Not having to pay a fine
  • It keeps everyone safe

Seatbelts will save your child’s life

Vehicle accidents are the number one cause of death in children and young people all over the world, with about 20% child deaths and 120 babies dying every year. Although seatbelts will not prevent the accident from happening it can improve your children's chances of survival by:

Preventing them from being ejected from the car.
It lowers the speed of the impact.
It distributes the forces of the impact thoroughly in the  pelvis and ribcage, which are the strongest parts of the body.

In spite of the obvious benefits, there is still 50% of children who are not safely restrained on the road. Children should always sit on the back. On cases where there is no much space available, the older children should be the ones sitting in the front with the seat moved back from the dashboard. This is because airbag deployment can be very dangerous and cause serious injuries to your child’s face and chest.

How a Ventura County car accident attorney can help?

If you or a loved one has been injured in a vehicle accident, you may be wondering what to do next. Consulting a Ventura County car accident attorney may be the best thing you ever do for yourself and your family. The attorney can communicate with the insurance and parties responsible for the accident making things easier for you.  Whatever you do, buckle up! It will save lives. 

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

As motorcyclists head out on the road and expose themselves to so many dangers, they may need to exercise caution. Motorcycle accidents ...